Success stories

Dealing with depression

 “For 15 years I struggled with depression and tried therapy after therapy. I was tired of always feeling unhappy and not really wanting to do what I wanted to do. I read Peter’s article online about treating depression and organised a Skype NLP consultation. I was astonished by the results. After only two sessions I had more energy and enthusiasm than I have had for a long time. I had so much energy I couldn’t sleep. Since then I have been able to focus on my business and take up hobbies. I feel better than I’ve felt for 15 years.”


Building resilience

“After the Christchurch earthquake I became very vulnerable. I was teary and small events could set me off really easily. I don’t think I was traumatised by the earthquake but I was emotional and wonder whether I was also depressed. A friend of mine referred me to Peter and he talked me through a couple of NLP processes. He worked quickly to find the core of the problem and then used a simple technique to alter the way I was looking at events. Afterwards I felt happier and more emotionally balanced. What impressed me was his methodical and scientific approach and how he knew the basic neuroscience that explained how the NLP techniques worked and why I would feel better by using them.”


Enhancing linguistic ability

“I studied French at school and later went to Alliance Francais classes. Although I could read French well, I found that when I went to France it was difficult to speak. My mind went blank and I couldn’t say a word. Peter took me through a series of NLP processes and then used hypnosis to free me up so I could speak and have basic conversations in French.”


“I speak good Russian, but often find when in public places, if there is a queue or I have talk in front of people, as in public transport, my tongue goes thick – I stumbled over the words and my pronunciation became very English. I approached Peter, having heard that he had techniques to improve linguistic ability. Peter used NLP performance enhancing approaches to reduce my nerves when speaking Russian and consequently improved how well I speak when in public places. Now I can speak in public and feel as comfortable as when talking in front of friends.”


“I was having a lot of difficulty learning to spell in French. I found that the sounds don’t reflect the language and spent a lot of time looking at dictionaries when writing even short messages in French. I was talking to Peter about this and he mentioned that learning to spell was easy – even in French. I told him he had no idea what he was talking about as he doesn’t write in French, and he told me to try writing in Russian! I eventually agreed to try a consultation with him and he taught me a different method for learning how to spell words. Using this new approach for learning to spell I have largely learnt how to spell all the common French words. This has saved me a huge amount of time in my written communication. I am considering going back to see how he can help me get my prepositions right.”


Weight loss

My weight has over the last five years crept up on me. Exercise and dieting helped but I was never able to keep either of them up for long. I got injured or too busy and got takeaways and stopped exercising. I wondered if there was something I could do about this and sent Peter an email after I discovered his website. Peter used a combination of NLP and hypnosis techniques to improve my self-esteem and self image, motivate me to exercise. He also used an NLP technique to change how I relate to food and my body. The result of these approaches was that I started effortlessly to lose weight. Over two months I lost six kilograms and over six months I lost 14 kilograms. I am fitter, feel healthier, feel better about myself, and look much better.”


Removing  Addiction

I took up smoking to socialise and release stress when overseas and almost immediately wanted to quit. I have friends who used hypnosis to quit, so I did a web search and discovered I could quit without even having to leave my home. I sent Peter an email and arranged a consultation on Skype. He used a combination of NLP techniques and hypnosis and afterwards I went cold turkey on cigarettes. Occasionally with friends I feel like having a cigarette but I don’t have cravings. Quitting smoking was one of the easiest things I have ever done.”
