About NLP

NLP-cogniscientNLP.comNeuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach used to model and learn new behaviour. It was initially developed by modelling some of the most successful psychotherapists in the USA in the 20th century.

It enables us to work with issues on a cognitive level with many of the techniques supported by recent advances in neuroscience and cognitive science.

Because we can work with behaviour at a cognitive level it has a relevance to practically every sphere of human endeavour, since success depends on how effectively we operate – and that comes down to how we use our brain.

NLP is used successfully in the following areas:

  • Psychotherapy: behaviour, addictions, trauma, depression;
  • Relationship counselling;
  • Health and wellbeing: pain control, emotional and psychological support;
  • Motivation: used to improve confidence and motivation;
  • Communication and conflict resolution;

nlp02-cogniscientNLP.comNLP enables you to learn to use your brain more effectively. Some people are very effective and others are less so, with NLP we can show you techniques that simplify and enable you to do what you want with your life. This has a relevance to every aspect of your life. After all, it’s your brain and you have the right to get the most out of it and out of life

Services are offered in English and Russian and are available online via Skype.

To book your consultation, send an email to Peter.